
Before moving into the R&D domain of graphics and physics simulations, I previously worked in the visual effects industry as an FX Technical Director. Been a techy, VFX nerd since a young age and due to various health issues I spent my time absent from school in my teenage years self teaching and pursuing this role. After years of work I landed my first job at 17. I’ve worked at multiple companies including Scanline VFX, Framestore and Platige Image. I’ve worked on over 15 feature films, TV shows and commercials. My work involved: Developing simulation setups, working on simulations themselves (shot work) along with writing and developing artist facing tools in various scripting languages (Maxscript, VEX, Python). My credited roles can be viewed on IMDB.

My main simulation focus was in the domain of fluid simulation, specifically for gaseous like phenomena, but I also worked on other simulations such as : Liquid fluid simulation (water, goo, etc); Rigid body simulation (destruction, debris); Particle systems (sparks, rain, boids); Procedural modelling / geometry processing; Cloth Simulation.

My showreel of simulation work from 2014-2020

Key Projects